
We are finite yet infinite.

Into the Metaphysical Realm

A common notion about poetry is that it is an escape from reality but more often than not poetry has always been a medium to portray reality and self-introspect. Throughout history, poems have always predated written text as epics, religious preaching, accounts of historical events and even fictional writings. The nursery rhymes that we cherished…

Reconnecting to Expression

Humans have an innate need to express themselves. This need for expression is inherent to the human mind. To think of it, even our genes expressed chemical data to multiply and carry forward the information. Like the genes learnt to multiply; the neurons learnt to talk and communicate. This form of expression that is so…

The Train of Recital

People from different fields of study always have this subtle tug of war between them, trying to prove one field of study to be superior to the other. Most artists believe that art is the ultimate fabric connecting everything giving it meaning and beauty whereas most scientists believe in the more logical and deductive explanations…

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